Design and development of micro-electro-mechanical systems.

Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) are advanced engineering systems with functional dimensions or details in the micrometric range that benefit from operating at the micro-scale, which promotes the speed of chemical reactions, enables fast and precise interactions at cellular and even molecular levels, minimizes energy and materials consumption, helps with mass-production and high throughput testing procedures and boosts overall sustainability. Initially obtained by applying technologies from the electronic industry, now we can manufacture MEMS and bio-MEMS using a wide set of metals, alloys, ceramics, composites and polymers and this versatility promotes industrial applications in fields including: health, energy, transport, aerospace, robotics and architecture. In the medical field, these MEMS usually involve micro-fluidic operation and are linked to specific areas of research including point-of-care testing, labs-on-chips and organs-on-chips. Our experience and technologies help to follow steady development processes and to rapidly reach mass-production after initial conceptual trials. In this area we devote ourselves to the following research, development, innovation and translation tasks:

  • Simulation of microsystems based on smart/multifunctional materials.
  • Design, modelling and manufacture of microsensors and microactuators.
  • Design, modelling and manufacture of microfluidic systems.
  • Design, modelling and manufacture of microdevices for diagnosis and therapy.
  • Design, modelling and manufacture of biomedical microsystems for point-of-care testing.
  • Design, modelling and manufacture of labs-on-chips and organs-on-chips.
  • Functional trials for validation and optimization towards mass-production.
Example of design, simulation, rapid prototyping and testing of cell culture microsystem aimed at modelling interactions between cells cultured under static and dynamic conditions. In collaboration with Prof. Josefa Predestinación García-Ruíz, UAM.
Example of design, simulation, rapid prototyping and testing of cell culture microsystem aimed at modelling interactions between cells cultured under static and dynamic conditions.
In collaboration with Prof. Josefa Predestinación García-Ruíz, UAM.